Our beliefs
Statement of Faith
Believing it to be the will of God that the followers of Jesus Christ associate themselves in fellowship for the worship of God, for mutual encouragement in Christian living and for active service, the English-speaking residents in this community, representing many different denominations and national traditions, do hereby declare their common Christian heritage and purpose by establishing a local fellowship under the following articles.
The purpose of this Church shall be to encourage and foster in the lives of its members the significance of Christ’s Lordship and his rule in their lives; to provide a means of witness to their loyalty to Christ; to engage them in public and private worship, in Christian education, and in service; to reach out and receive with joy all who will respond; inviting people to commitment to God’s love in Jesus Christ and encouraging them in their relationship with God; and to maintain fellowship with all other bodies of Christians, especially other church groups in this area.
Acknowledging the various statements of faith under which its members may have made their professions, the Fellowship agrees upon the following main points as indication of the basic convictions of its membership:
We believe in God, the Heavenly Father, whose goodness is our blessing, and whose wisdom is our law.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Divine Lord and personal Saviour, whose life and death and resurrection redeem and inspire all who accept Him.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, by whom we are led in the ways of righteousness and love.
We believe in the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, which reveal to us His will and are our guide in faith and practice.
We believe in the Kingdom of God as the divine rule in human society; we believe in the testimony of the Apostles; and we believe the Church to be Christ’s body of believers.
We believe in the power of prayer; in Baptism and Holy Communion as sacraments; and in the life everlasting.
Upon this foundation of our faith we enter into a covenant with one another and with God to live and labor together, as true disciples of Jesus Christ.